.. include:: ../Plugin/_plugin_substitutions_p02x.repl .. _P023_page: |P023_typename| ================================================== |P023_shortinfo| Plugin details -------------- Type: |P023_type| Name: |P023_name| Status: |P023_status| GitHub: |P023_github|_ Maintainer: |P023_maintainer| Used libraries: |P023_usedlibraries| Description ----------- This plugin features a basic display of a text template, including device values, on black and white OLed displays, using the SSD1306 and SH1106 controllers. Configuration ------------- .. image:: P023_DeviceConfiguration.png * **Name**: A unique name should be entered here. * **Enabled**: The device can be disabled or enabled. When not enabled the device should not use any resources. I2C Options ^^^^^^^^^^^^ The available settings here depend on the build used. At least the **Force Slow I2C speed** option is available, but selections for the I2C Multiplexer can also be shown. For details see the :ref:`Hardware_page` Device Settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. image:: P023_ControllerOptions.png * **Controller**: Select the controller chip that is used for the display. There are 2 options available, ``SSD1306`` and ``SH1106``. .. image:: P023_RotationOptions.png * **Rotation**: Select if the display is mounted normally or upside-down (rotated 180 degrees). .. image:: P023_DisplaySizeOptions.png * **Display Size**: Select the pixel resolution of the display. .. image:: P023_FontWidthOptions.png * **Font Width**: The ``Normal`` option uses a mono-spaced font to display the text, where ``Optimized`` is similar to a proportionally spaced font, where each character uses only the pixels it needs. * **Line 1** .. **Line 8**: All user defined texts may contain references to system variables or task values which will be interpreted when displayed on screen. For example: ``[bme#Temp#D2.1] {D}C [bme#Hum]%`` * **GPIO <- Display button(optional)**: Setting up a ``Display Button``, allows to configure a Display Timeout and wake the display on demand, either by a button, or by using some presence detection. * **Display Timeout**: The numbers of seconds after which the display is turned off. When set to 0 no timeout is active. * **Interval** By default, Interval will be set to 0. If set to a non-zero value, the pre-configured content will be updated automatically using that interval (seconds). General ------- Commands available ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. include:: P023_commands.repl Change log ---------- .. versionchanged:: 2.0 ... |added| Major overhaul for 2.0 release. .. versionadded:: 1.0 ... |added| Initial release version.