Output - Clock


Plugin details

Type: Output

Name: Clock


GitHub: P043_ClkOutput.ino

Maintainer: .

Used libraries: .



Every minute the set schedule will be checked for a match, and if a value for a scheduled time is set, the GPIO will be set to that state (On/Off) when configured, or when no GPIO is configured and the value is not 0 or empty, an event is generated with the field number that caused the trigger, and another event with the set value if the Number Output Values is set to Dual or higher.


  • Name: Required by ESPEasy, must be unique among the list of available devices/tasks.

  • Enabled: The device can be disabled or enabled. When not enabled the device should not use any resources.


  • GPIO -> Clock event Select a GPIO that will get the stated as configured for the Day,Time. When a GPIO is configured, the allowed valies for a scheduled time will be empty, Off and On only.

Device Settings

  • Nr. of Day,Time fields: Select a number between 1 and 16 for the number of Day,Time fields to be available. Will be applied after the page is submitted. (Default: 8)

  • Value input On/Off only: When checked, the selection for Value will be for On/Off (or empty) only, to avoid misconfiguration for less experienced users, and the Output variable response the same as if a GPIO was selected. The default is unchecked.

  • Day,Time X: Select the Day and Time that should be checked. For Limited builds the day and time have to be entered manually, for other builds, the Day can be selected from a combobox, and the time can be selected from a predefined list and set to a desired time.

For Day, the available options are All, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Wrk (workday), Wkd (weekend).


For time, besides the 24h HH:MM notation, there can also be chosen to use %sunrise% or %sunset%, optionally with an offset in hours, minutes or seconds like %sunrise-1h% or %sunset+30m%.


Output Configuration

  • Number Output Values: Select Single (default), Dual, Triple or Quad. The Triple and Quad options aren’t actually used in this plugin.

Data Acquisition

This group of settings, Single event with all values and Send to Controller settings are standard available configuration items. Send to Controller is only visible when one or more Controllers are configured.


The default names for the values are named Output, and get a numeric suffix for the Dual, Triple and Quad configuration.

Commands available

Command Syntax

Extra information


Change the configuration of the plugin for the timeIndex provided:

config,task: The Config command to change a setting for a task. Not case-sensitive.

<taskName>: The name of the task to be changed.

SetTime: Literal command-text recognized by the plugin to set the time and optional value. Not case-sensitive.

<timeIndex>: The Day,Time fields number as shown in the UI. Has to be within the allowed range 1..Nr. of Day,Time field setting.

<timeString>: A time string as can be entered in the UI, a day (All,Sun, Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat,Wrk (workday),Wkd (weekend)) and a time (HH:MM or %Sunrise%/%Sunset%). When configuring for sunrise of sunset, an offset in hours, minutes or seconds can be provided by using %sunrise-1h% or %sunset+30m% etc. To avoid the sunrise or sunset time of today to be inserted, instead of % a $ must be used! If an invalid <timeString> is provided, All,00:00 will be stored!

<value>: The value to be set. If a GPIO is configured or the setting ‘Value input On/Off only’ is enabled, a 0 will configure Off and 1 will configure On. When not using a GPIO or the ‘Value input On/Off only’ setting is unchecked, the value will be stored as provided. When having value 0 set, no event will be generated when this time is triggered!

This (generic) command allows to update the configuration.


Every time this command is used, the configuration is saved to flash storage. When changing this often, the flash memory may wear out quickly!

Example command to use, when using %Sunrise%/%Sunset%:

  • config,task,Clock,settime,1,Wrk,$sunrise-1h$,1

Will be stored like Wrk,%sunrise-1h% in Day,Time field 1, and Value set to 1, or On when having a GPIO configured or Value input On/Off only enabled.




clock#Output The value provided with this event is the field (1..Nr. of Day,Time fields) that was triggered.

clock#Output2 When the ‘Number Output Values’ is set to Dual, Triple or Quad, and a GPIO is configured or ‘Value input On/Off only’ is checked the On (1) or Off (0) value is included as an event argument (%eventvalue1%).

If no GPIO is configured and ‘Value input On/Off only’ is unchecked, the configured value is provided as %eventvalue1%.

Events are only generated if the value is not set to 0 or empty.

Get Config Values

Get Config Values retrieves values or settings from the sensor or plugin, and can be used in Rules, Display plugins, Formula’s etc. The square brackets are part of the variable. Replace <taskname> by the Name of the task.

Config value



Returns the configured Day,Time string for line X (Range: 1..Nr. of Day,Time fields), as shown in the UI.


  • All,06:00

  • Wrk,%sunset-1h%


Returns the configured value for line X (Range: 1..Nr. of Day,Time fields), with a twist:

If a GPIO is configured, or the setting ‘Value input On/Off only’ is checked, a 0 is returned for Off and 1 for On (the stored value is actualy 1 higher)

When no GPIO is configured and the setting ‘Value input On/Off only’ is unchecked, the shown value is returned.

Change log

Changed in version 2.0:

added 2023-12-16: Selectors for Day and Time, %sunrise% and %sunset% support, config command and get config values.

added Major overhaul for 2.0 release.

Added in version 1.0:

added Initial release version.