Color - TCS34725

RGB Color Sensor with IR filter and White LED

Plugin details

Type: Color

Name: TCS34725


GitHub: P050_TCS34725.ino

Maintainer: TD-er, tonhuisman (code), heinemannj (docs)

Used libraries: (local copy)



The TCS34725 has RGB and Clear light sensing elements. An IR blocking filter, integrated on-chip and localized to the color sensing photodiodes, minimizes the IR spectral component of the incoming light and allows accurately color measurements.


  • RGB color and light sensor with 4 channel light sensing readings (Red, Green, Blue, Clear)

  • Calculated light lux

  • Calculated color temperature

  • Adjustable integration time and gain

  • Neutral 4150 °K temperature onboard LED to illuminate what you’re trying to sense

  • I2C 7-bit address (0x29) - fixed

  • I2C pins can be used at 3.3V or 5V


ESP                  TCS34725
GPIO-4 (D2)   <-->   SDA
GPIO-5 (D1)   <-->   SCL

3.3V          <-->   3.3V
GND           <-->   GND

The onboard LED can be turn off by pulling the sensor LED pin to LOW:

  • To turn off permanently: Wire the sensor LED pin directly to the microcontroller ground

ESP                  TCS34725
GND           <-->   LED
  • To control via an ESPEasy switch: Wire the sensor LED pin to a spare microcontroller digital pin

ESP                  TCS34725
GPIO-12 (D6)  <-->   LED
  • To control with setInterrupt(): Wire the sensor LED pin to the sensor INT pin

TCS34725             TCS34725
INT           <-->   LED




I2C address: 0x29 Can not be changed


Gain and Integration Time

  • The Integration Time of the sensor must be a value between 2.4-700 (in milliseconds)

  • The gain of the sensor must be a value of 1, 4, 16, 60

In general:

  • Use the minimum Gain as possible, since increasing the Gain amplifies the noise as well as the signal

  • Choose an Integeration Time long enough to produce a near full-scale value, since this will give you the most effective use of the sensor’s resolution

To adjust Gain and Integration Time settings:

  • Switch to Raw RGB data plus the Clear channel

  • Set Gain to 1

  • Increase Integration Time until the Clear Channel value reach 65535 (maximum value) => Sensor is saturated

  • Decrease Integration Time by one level => All channels MUST < 65535

  • Control that Color Temperature (DN40) value of daylight is not 0

After applying transformation/calibration factors do NOT change your settings of Gain and Integration Time (see chapter “Conditions”)!

Output settings

  • Raw RGB (0..65535)

  • Raw RGB (0..65535) transformed (3x3 matrix, below)

  • Normalized RGB (0-255)

  • Normalized RGB (0-255) transformed (3x3 matrix, below)

  • Normalized RGB (0.0000..1.0000)

  • Normalized RGB (0.0000..1.0000) transformed (3x3 matrix, below)

  • Color Temperature (DN25 - deprecated) [K]

  • Color Temperature (DN40) [K]

  • Ambient Light [Lux]

  • Clear Channel

For detailed explanations see below chapter “Indicators (recommended settings)”.


Transformation matrix

Example for a Transformation into the CIE-XYZ color space:

  • Most common and most accurate approach

| X* |                                | R‘ |
| Y* |        =       | M |   *       | G‘ |
| Z* |                                | B‘ |

- X*, Y* and Z* are the estimated CIE-XYZ values
- R', G' and B' are the responses from the sensor's Raw RGB output channels
- | M | is the transformation matrix based on your sensor calibration
  • Conversions from CIE-XYZ color space into RGB (e.g. sRGB, Adobe RGB (1998), …) or other color spaces are easyly to manage (see chapter “Conversions from CIE-XYZ color space into other color spaces”)


The sensor without any kind of calibration can only provide a raw color estimation (see chapter “Normalized RGB”)!

Please follow the chapter “Sensor calibration” to understand the procedure for setting up and to calculate a transformation matrix fitting to your specific need.

After applying transformation/calibration factors do NOT change your settings of Gain and Integration Time (see chapter “Conditions”)!

Rules examples

The following example is based on:

  • a Switch which will start a Sample and will indicate that the Sample is finished

  • an LED (onboard of your TCS34725 or placed somewhere else in your case) to illuminate what you’re trying to sense

  • a Dummy Device for the recording of your Sample Readings

  • a Rule Set for synchronization

On System#Boot do
  Let,1,0                                             // LoopCounter
  Let,3,0                                             // SampleMode off
  Let,5,0                                             // Sample averages
  Let,10,16                                           // SampleSwitch GPIO
  Let,11,12                                           // LED GPIO

on ResetSampleReadings do
  TaskValueSet,%eventvalue1%,1,0                      // SampleReadings

on UpdateSampleReadings do
  TaskValueSet,2,%eventvalue1%,%eventvalue2%          // SampleReadings
  if %eventvalue1%=3
    GPIO,[INT#10],0                                   // SampleSwitch off

on Sample#State=1 do                                  // SampleSwitch on
  GPIO,[INT#11],1                                     // LED on
  asyncevent,ResetSampleReadings=2                    // SampleReadings reset
  Let,3,1                                             // SampleMode on
  TaskRun,1                                           // Sample start

on TCS34725#X do
  if [INT#3]>0                                        // SampleMode on
    Let,1,[INT#1]+1                                   // LoopCounter
    if [INT#1]>1 and [INT#1]<6                        // Skip values for 1. Loop
      Let,5,[VAR#5]+[TCS34725#X]                      // SampleAverages for Loop 2,3,4,5,6
    elseif [INT#1]=6
      asyncevent,UpdateSampleReadings=1,[VAR#5]       // SampleReadings update
      GPIO,[INT#11],0                                 // LED off
      Let,1,0                                         // LoopCounter reset
      Let,5,0                                         // SampleAverage reset
      Let,3,0                                         // SampleMode off
    TaskRun,1                                         // Loop

Where to buy




TCS34725 (7.95$)

$ = affiliate links which will give us some money to keep this project running, thank you for using those.

More pictures

Sensor calibration

General information

Below calibration method is following “ams Color Classification with the TCS230” (

Reference Measurements

Color charts/references such as the ColorChecker can be perfectly used for reference measurements.

Because of its wide availability and use, its careful design, its consistency and because comprehensive spectrophotometric measurements are available, the ColorChecker has also been used in academic research into topics such as spectral imaging:


Above chart is converted from BabelColor:

Nominal chromaticities of ColorChecker patches in the CIE 1931 xy chromaticity diagram:



  • Measurement under specific Light (Wavelength, Illuminance (lux), Color Temperature (CCT), Daylight, LED light, …)

  • Constant Distance between Light source <-> Object <-> Sensor

  • Constant Light Reflectance - Beam angel

  • Proper Gain and Integration Time settings

In case you illuminate via your LED monitor ensure proper monitor calibration first:

After applying transformation/calibration factors do NOT change your settings of Gain and Integration Time!

“White point” calibration - the most simple one

Good wikipedia article about color calibration (“Color balance”)

Illuminate a white paper with white/day light (please see above conditions) and measure sensor’s Normalized RGB values:

R'w = 77.4623
G'w = 90.4528
B'w = 87.0849

Calculate calibration factors for “White Point” [sRGB(255 255 255)]:

| R* |                | 255 / R’w     0               0               |               | R‘ |
| G* |        =       | 0             255 / G’w       0               |       *       | G‘ |
| B* |                | 0             0               255 / B’w       |               | B‘ |

cR' = 255 / R'w = 3.291924
cG' = 255 / G'w = 2.81915
cB' = 255 / B'w = 2.928177

But these factors obviously are ONLY for raw color estimations (see chapter “Normalized RGB”) …

Mapping of sensor’s Raw RGB output channels to ColorChecker XYZ references

  • Most common and most accurate approach


Transformation matrix

                      | X"1   X"2     ...     X"n |           | R'1   R'2     ...     R'n |   -1
| M |         =       | Y"1   Y"2     ...     Y"n |   *       | G'1   G'2     ...     G'n |
                      | Z"1   Z"2     ...     Z"n |           | B'1   B'2     ...     B'n |

- X"[1-n], Y"[1-n] and Z"[1-n] are the CIE-XYZ reference values for ColorChecker Patches
- R'[1-n], G'[1-n] and B'[1-n] are the responses from the sensor's Raw RGB output channels
- | M | is the transformation matrix

To find the inverse matrix:

Based on above calibration measurements the transformation matrix looks like

                      |  0.011683      0.004073        0.003374 |
| M |         =       |  0.004609      0.016638       -0.002545 |
                      | -0.003017     -0.005424        0.028669 |

But be careful: Above transformation matrix is ONLY working for specific conditions (see chapter “Conditions).

You have to setup and to calculate a transformation matrix fitting to your specific need.

Transformation into CIE-XYZ color space

| X* |                                | R‘ |
| Y* |        =       | M |   *       | G‘ |
| Z* |                                | B‘ |

- X*, Y* and Z* are the estimated CIE-XYZ values
- R', G' and B' are the responses from the sensor's Raw RGB output channels
- | M | is above transformation matrix

Conversions from CIE-XYZ color space into other color spaces

Conversions from CIE-XYZ color space into RGB (e.g. sRGB, Adobe RGB (1998), …) or other color spaces are easyly to manage:




A average of 3.59 ΔE*ab (Max ΔE*ab: 6.31) between ColorChecker XYZ references and their corresponding estimated XYZ values is not so bad for an 7.95$ cheap sensor ;-)


Change log

Changed in version 2.0:

added Major overhaul for 2.0 release.

Added in version 1.0:

added Initial release version.