Generic - Pulse counter

Used to count GPIO pulses.

Plugin details

Type: Generic

Name: Pulse counter


GitHub: P003_Pulse.ino

Maintainer: Core

Used libraries: .

Supported hardware

LJ12A3, TCR5000, YFS401


Pulse Counter Setup

Task’s Sensor Parameters

GPIO <- Pulse:

Select the GPIO pin at which the pulse is counted

Debounce Time:

Period in which you allow the signal to be unstable (bouncing) after a level change (high -> low / low -> high). The specific use of this parameter to filter out valid signals, depends on the Mode Type (cf. description below).

Counter Type:

Select the output values desired. Available options:

  • Delta: Count only.

  • Delta/Total/Time: Count, Total count and Time since last pulse in msec.

  • Total: Total count only.

  • Delta/Total: Count and Total count.

  • Time: Time since last pulse in msec.

  • Total/Time: Total count and Time since last pulse in msec.

  • Time/Delta: Time since last pulse in msec. and count.

After saving the settings, the Values section is adjusted to show the number of values needed to output the selected Counter Type. The names are not updated!

Mode Type:

Determines if you want to count edges or pulses and

weather you are interested in counting rising, falling or both edges of a signal

or low, high or changing pulses.

See Description below.

Available options:

Ignore multiple Delta = 0:

When enabled doesn’t generate events or send data to Controllers if multiple Delta (Count) values of 0 are read. The first 0 after a non-zero Count will be sent out to Controllers, and generate events (when Rules are enabled).


The interval between reading the pulses from the counter logic. If the Interval is set to 0 AND Ignore multiple Delta = 0 is enabled, the check for new pulses is performed much more often (up to ca. 50 times per second). This has the advantage that any infrequent pulse can be captured very close to the time it occurs, but also has a disadvantage, see the warning:


The Interval for this plugin can be set to 0, but when receiving high-frequency pulses, this should better not be used, as it can overload the ESP and any Controller, and it’s backend service, configured for the task, as it’s sending data, processing the Controllers, and processing events for the task values!

With Interval set to 0, but Ignore multiple Delta = 0 not enabled, then No data is sent to Controllers and no events are generated, unless a TaskRun command is executed for this task!

For setup of some specific device examples see: LJ12A3, TCR5000, YFS401


P003 is a general purpose pulse counter for counting high/low state changes and pulses at an ESP GPIO. It may be used to count water or gas meter pulses or speed measurement of fans, etc. It provides up to three values:


Number of counted pulses since last transmission (Delta)


Total number of counted pulses (since power on, cold restart or use of resetpulsecounter or setpulsecountertotal commands)


Time between current and most recent pulse in milliseconds


The number of Values depends on the selected Counter Type setting, but the names are not updated when the selection is changed, tough values are set to the Counter Type(s) selected.

This allows you to simply count the pulses using Total or use Count and Time to calculate the number of pulses per time unit. But please note: When Count > 1, the Time only applies to the most recent of the counted pulses and you have to guess how long the previous were.

P003 offers two different pulse detection methods which can be used depending on the kind and quality of signal you want to count:

Edge Mode Types:


Pulse Mode Types:

PULSE low, PULSE high, PULSE change

For Edge mode types, the counter is incremented when a rising, falling signal edge or either of these (change) is detected at the selected GPIO (GPIO interrupts are used). BUT incrementing is only done, if the time between most recent counting and current edge is longer than the selected Debounce Time).

These Edge mode types are best suited for high frequency signals with quite constant frequency so that debounce time can be adjusted to that. Counting of 40 cycles/second (2400 rpm with Debounce time =25ms) should be possible or possibly up to 4 times faster (Debounce time = 0), depending on the cpu workload through other ESPEasy tasks and WiFi handling. However the electrical signal must (when Debounce Time had ended) be stable (well filtered and no crossover of signals or signal spikes). Otherwise there is a tendency of counting slightly too much pulses.

For Pulse mode types the pulse detection is also initiated by the rising, falling or change signal edge, but it is only counted as a pulse, if the GPIO signal is stable over three consecutive GPIO level samples. First, after an edge was detected, we wait for the Debounce Time, and then the GPIO level is checked three times with two intermediate delays of half the debounce time. Only when all three times the level is identical the signal is counted as a pulse. So the minimum pulse length is Debounce Time x 2.. Otherwise the three checks are repeated until a sable signal is detected.

The Pulse mode types are best suited for lower frequency signals (>80ms=12,5 cycles/second=750prm with Debounce Time >20ms) and also can count reliably very low frequencies and long pulses of minutes and hours (e.g. an gas meter that does not send any signal, when all consumers are off for a long period). Electrical interferences (shorter than Debounce Time) are well filtered out.

Tests of Pulse modes showed, that good results are achieved with a Debounce Time of 1/10 to 1/4 of the shortest expected pulse length.

Persistence of Counter values

The three counter values are not persisted upon cold restart, power off or firmware upload, but are persisted (recovered) after warn reset or processor deep freeze.

Electrical signal quality

Make sure physical connections are electrically well separated so no crossover of the signals happen. Especially with edge pulse mode at rates above ~5’000 RPM with longer lines. Best use a cable with ground and signal twisted.

Statistical logging for PULSE modes

The Pulse modes provide at runtime statistical information in the log output in order to support problem finding and the tuning of debounce time. The interpretation is a little tricky, as it is related to the implemented step by step detection method. But its use may be helpful, if you want to get an explanation for unexpected counting results. It gives an indication for the signal quality and helps to adjust the debounceTime. You can ignore it, if your counter works well.

The information is provided, when the log level is Debug or lower (cf. “Advanced Settings” dialog). It is temporary possible to output the logging in log level Info by use of the Pulse Counter command LogPulseStatistic,i (see “Commands available”).

Pulse statistic log record

Records like the above are written to log output, whenever a new valid pulse level was detected. Additional writing of such a record can also be triggered through the LogPulseStatistic command (see “Commands available”). This allows you to generate a log output for inspection in situations, where no regular pulse is counted, because no pulse is currently generated or when no stable pulse can be determined because of a heavily floating signal.

The meaning of the numbers is explained using the following example:

= (0) [2046017|2045826|2045826/1|2045821/0/5|2045810] [11979|104201]

The single number (0) is the task index.

The first array [ 2046017 | 2045826 | 2045826/1 | 2045821/0/5 | 2045810 ] contains five number groups from the following processing steps:

  • Step0 ([ 2046017 |): Number of detected signal edges in the interrupt. Here not only the processed events are counted but also the ignored edges which occur while the previous is still being processed in further steps. The difference between this and the next number is an indication for the bouncing ratio.

  • Step1 (| 2045826 |): Number of GPIO level reads at end of debounceTime in Step1.

  • Step2 (| 2045826/1 |): First number is the GPIO level “ok” reads (debounceTime/2 after Step1) with the same level as in Step1. The second number (here 1) indicates the number “nok” reads with the opposite level as in Step1 which were then reprocessed in Step2 after debounceTime/2. This is an indication, that the signal was not stable after debounce time.

  • Step3 (| 2045821/0/5 |): The first two numbers are of the same meaning as above and the third (“5”) indicates how often the detected level n Step3 is the same as the current valid signal level. It basically confirms the current signal after an interference or spike within a steady signal. These are ignored (“ign”) and not counted.

  • Total (| 2045810 ]: Is the resulting total counter after Step3. Note that in PULSE low or PULSE high this counter is only incremented every second log entry.

Please note, that with the commands resetpulsecounter the “ok” counters are also reset to 0 while the “nok” and “ign” error counters are persisted, so you can after a reset still have these quality indicators. Similar with setpulsecountertotal where the “ok” counters are shifted by the same amount as the total counter, so you can still use their difference for analysis. Upon warm reset or when task settings are changed, the “ok” counters are all reset to the persisted Total value, while the error counters are reset to 0. This is an indirect resetting of the error counters.

The second array [11979|104201] of two numbers show the length in milliseconds of the most recently counted low and high pulse. So, from log message to log message alternating one or the other number changes, depending if a low or high pulse had just ended. The numbers remain unchanged from message to message in case of error detections (“nok” or “ign”), where no counting too place.

Note that the plugin’s Time value reflects in PUSE change the tile between pulse changes and thus the high or low time of the most recently ended pulse, while in PULSE low it’s always the distance between the most recent and the previous low signal and thus the sum of the most recent high and low time. For PULSE high respectively.

As already mentioned above, additional writing of the above log record can also be triggered through the LogPulseStatistic command. Together with that, a further OverdueStats record like the following is written to the log:

Pule statistic log record

This provides information about the timing behaviour and if the Pulse Counter could do his working steps without too long delays through other ESPEasy processes.

The meaning of the numbers is explained using the following example:

= (0) [30] {1} [20|3|2|1]

The (0) is the task index.

The [30] is the set debounce time in ms.

The {1} indicate that it was once not possible to timely complete the debounce in step 0. This means, that the debounce time was over, before the pulse check processing could start because of other blocking ESPEasy processes. This counter sums up these occurences since last reset, thus showing, how often this happened. Values > 0 here, in combination with significant overdue time for step 0 (see next) may explain missing pulses.

[20|3|2|1] these are the maximum overdue times in milliseconds for each of the processing steps (0-3) that happened since last reset. When you here encounter delays longer than half of the debounce time, it explains missing pulses because of other blocking ESPEasy processes or processor overload.

Note: These counters can, during runtime, be reset to 0 by the Pulse Counter command LogPulseStatistic,r (see “Commands available”).

Commands available

Command (GPIO/Value)

Extra information


legacy method:


Reset the counters (pulse counter and total counter) of P003 Pulse Counter.

When using multiple instances of Pulse Counter tasks, use a prefix to address the right one. E.g. 2.ResetPulseCounter, [GasZaehler].ResetPulseCounter or GasZaehler.ResetPulseCounter to address task number 2 or the task with the name GasZaehler. When task is neither identified as prefix nor as parameter, the first active Pulse Counter task will be affected.

The command will also trigger a call to PLUGIN_READ as if it processes a normal successful read.


legacy method:


Set the value of the total count of P003 Pulse Counter.

When using multiple instances of Pulse Counter tasks, use a prefix to address the right one. E.g. 2.SetPulseCounter,1000, [GasZaehler].SetPulseCounter,1000 or GasZaehler.SetPulseCounter,1000 to address task number 2 or the task with the name GasZaehler. When task is neither identified as prefix nor as parameter, the first active Pulse Counter task will be affected.

A call to set the counter total will also trigger a call to PLUGIN_READ as if it processes a normal successful read.

N.B. The set value is the internal value, so any present formula will be processed after this value is set.


Optional subcommands:

  • r reset error and overdue counters.

  • i temporary increases the log level for regular statisticel log entries from Debug to Info

Initiate a single log entry with statistical information of current PULSE counter parameters (only if PULSE mode type is being used. Cf. special chapter about Statistical logging in P003 plugin documentation).

The <subcommand> is executed AFTER writing to logfile, so you see the result of the reset in consecutive loggings.

The i subcommand allows you to increase the log level to Info and still see the Pulse Counter’s statistical logings without other not needed Debug messages. This setting is valid until next reset.

When using multiple instances of Pulse Counter tasks, use a prefix to address the right one. E.g. 2.LogPulseStatistic,i, [GasZaehler].LogPulseStatistic,i or GasZaehler.LogPulseStatistic,i to address task number 2 or the task with the name GasZaehler. When the task-prefix is omitted, the first active Pulse Counter task will be affected.

N.B. Note that this single log entry is done, when Log Level is set to Info. Only the regular statistical logging is done by default on level Debug, but can be temporary increased to Info with the above i command.

Change log

Changed in version 2.2:

added 2024-08-07 New Counter Type options, counter type now correctly sets the Values available.

added Added new PULSE mode types.

Changed in version 2.0:

added Major overhaul for 2.0 release.

Added in version 1.0:

added Initial release version.