Touch - I2C Touchscreens

I2C capacitive touchscreen overlays

Plugin details

Type: Touch

Name: I2C Touchscreens


GitHub: P123_I2CTouch.ino

Maintainer: tonhuisman

Used libraries: BitBank bb_captouch library (modified)

Supported hardware

Some displays are available with a touch overlay mounted on top of the visible side of the display. There’s a choice of resistive and capacitive touch overlays. The I2C touch overlays supported in this plugin are of the Capacitive kind, being very easy to interact with, comparable to modern smartphones, where you can use a finger for the interaction. (Resistive touch overlays usually require a special pen to be used, or pressed with a finger-nail, to get a response.)

The supported touch overlays (or touch screens), can be found on several displays, f.e. some M5Stack devices, the WT32-SC01 display unit and the LilyGO LILY Pi ESP32 unit.

Device configuration

  • Name: Required by ESPEasy, must be unique among the list of available devices/tasks.

  • Enabled: The device can be disabled or enabled. When not enabled the device should not use any resources.

I2C options

The available settings here depend on the build used. At least the Force Slow I2C speed option is available, but selections for the I2C Multiplexer can also be shown. For details see the Hardware page

Device Settings

  • Display task: Select the display task the touch screen is mounted on. By default, the current task is selected (and ignored), as any other guess would be wrong, and there is no ‘None’ selection available.

When choosing the correct task, the current display resolution, color depth and rotation settings are tried to be fetched from that task, and copied here in the matching settings. If no settings can be obtained, defaults will be applied.

The configured display will be used to draw the objects, if any, that can be configured below, on.

  • Screen Width (px) (x): Width of the display, the (horizontal) x coordinate, in pixels.

  • Screen Height (px) (y): Height of the display, the (vertical) y coordinate, in pixels. Top/Left coordinate is 0,0.

  • Rotation: The rotation setting should match the rotation setting of the display, and can be selected as Normal (0), +90, +180 or +270 degrees.

  • Display Color-depth: If the display settings have been retrieved successfully, this setting can not be changed, but will be used from the display. This value is used to select the correct color mappings for displaying the Objects.

  • Touch minimum pressure: This setting determines the relative pressure or sensitivity of the FT62x6 touch displays. Lower values make it more sensitive. The range is 0 to 255. Only applicable for the FT62x6 controller.

  • Touchscreen Type (Address): Select the type of touchscreen installed, available options:

  • FT62x6 (0x38): Focaltech FT62x6/FT63x6/FT52x6 touchscreen controller family. Default selection.

  • GT911 (0x5D): GT911 touchscreen controller, default address.

  • GT911 (0x14): GT911 touchscreen controller, alternate address.

  • CST820 (0x15): CST816/CST820 touchscreen controller family.

  • CST226 (0x5A): CST226 touchscreen controller. (Not yet tested on real hardware)

  • AXS15231 (0x3B): AXS15231 touchscreen controller. (Not yet tested on real hardware)

  • CHSC5816 (0x2E): CHSC5816 touchscreen controller. (Not yet tested on real hardware)

  • Auto-detect: Select this option to have the plugin auto-detect the used touchscreen controller. This auto-detect is mostly based on an I2C device being available at the shown addresses, so might get confused if a non-touchscreen I2C device at one of these addresses is installed.

  • Interrupt pin: Select the GPIO that is connected to the IRQ connection of a GT911 touchscreen controller. The IRQ pin is only used for detection & address configuration, combined with the Reset pin, if available and configured. Only used for GT911 controller.

  • Reset pin: Select the GPIO that is connected to the Reset connection of the touchscreen controller. When set, this will be used to reset the controller during initialization. (See the Warning below). Do not set this GPIO setting if the RST pin is shared with another device, like on a WT32 SC01 Plus, where the display and touch controllers use the same GPIO pin. Only set the RST pin on the display configuration, and give that Display task a lower task number than the touch screen, as the touchscreen task will try to display defined objects on the connected Display device!


The Interrupt and Reset GPIO pins are optional. Interrupt is only used by the GT911 controller during initialization.


Some devices that have the reset pin connected, initially set that GPIO to low/0, causing the touch controller not to start, and it won’t even show up on the I2C Scan. This can be solved by setting the involved GPIO pin to Output High on the Hardware page.


During testing we found that specifically the CST816 touchscreen controller, whiel working as expected, doesn’t show up in an I2C Scan. This also implies they can’t be auto-detected, and have to be set explicitly.

Touch configuration


This part of the configuration describes the generic ESPEasy Touch Helper module, used for all touch-screen plugins.

  • Flip rotation 180°: This checkbox allowes to compensate for when the touch overlay is mounted rotated on the display.

  • Events: Select the events that should be generated on touch actions.

  • None: No events will be generated.

  • X and Y: Only an event with the X and Y positions on touch will be generated.

  • X, Y and Z: Similar to the X and Y event, but with the Z value, pressure strength, added.

  • Objectnames and Button groups: An event is generated only when a defined object, see below, is touched, or a button group is changed.

  • Objectnames, Button groups, X and Y: An event is generated when a defined object is touched, or a button group is changed. Also an event with the X and Y touch position is generated.

  • Objectnames, Button groups, X, Y and Z: An event is generated when a defined object is touched, or a button group is changed. Also an event with the X and Y touch position and Z pressure strength is generated.

  • Draw buttons when started: When enabled the objects (often touch-buttons) will be drawn when the plugin is started. This requires that the display is already initialized, so that should have a lower task number than this task.

  • Prevent duplicate events: Suppress duplicate events.

  • Ignore touch-screen: When enabled will not get any touch data from the touch-screen, so the plugin can be used to draw objects, and control them using other buttons, usually below or at a side of the display. For example when using a M5Stack Core, that doesn’t have a touch-screen, but does have 3 buttons below the display.


To be able to adjust for an improper aligned touch overlay on a display, there is an option for calibration available. When changing the Calibrate to screen resolution setting from No to Yes, the page will be submitted, and the calibration input fields will be available.

  • Top-left: Enter the adjusted X and Y position for the most top/left position that matches with the touch screen.

  • Bottom-right: Enter the adjusted X and Y position for the most bottom/right position that matches with the touch screen.

To get accurate values, a touch-pen could be used to touch the screen, and enabling the Enable logging for calibration option will add Info logging with the exact coordinates that are touched. It might help to set the Events temporarily to None.

NB: This calibration is usually only needed for Resistive touch panels, that can also use this generic TouchHelper module, so for a Capacitive touch screen it can be set to No.

Object settings

This section has some generic and default settings for the Touch Objects defined below.


Definition: An On/Off button is any defined object that’s not a slider (Layout)

  • Default On/Off button colors: The default state-colors to be used for On/Off buttons: On, Off, Border, Caption, Disabled, Disabled caption.

The colors can be selected by name (limited set available), #RRGGBB (24 bit) value or #hhhh (RGB565) (16 bit) value (and that’s also how they are stored).

Color input fields have a list of predefined color names available, that can be filtered/selected by typing a part of the name, or using the dropdown arrow in the input field (Chromium-based browsers):


To select another value from the list, the input has to be (partially) cleared before it will show other options.

Customized colors can be selected from a color picker that supports RGB565 color selection. For example here

  • Initial button group: Select the button group that should be activated on plugin start (Button groups will be explained below). Should be left at 0 if no button groups are used.

  • Draw buttons via Rules: This setting should be left disabled, as it requires specific rules for drawing the buttons on the display. Documentation to be added.

  • Enable/Disable page buttons: Paging buttons (navigation, + or - 10 action), disabled by default, can be enabled here, when they need to be used.

  • Navigation Left/Right/Up/Down menu reversed: Navigation across button groups can be seen as ‘Moving the view up, down, left or right’ (normal) or ‘Moving the buttons behind the viewport’ (reversed). Enabling this setting will also revert the nextgrp, prevgrp, nextpage and prevpage subcommands, to move in the other direction.

  • Swipe Left/Right/Up/Down menu reversed: Similar to the navigation buttons, this setting is for reversing the swipe actions left/right and up/down. Swipe actions have to be processed in Rules, no default actions are currently available.

  • Debounce delay for On/Off buttons: The minimum time a button has to be touched before it’s toggled.

  • Minimal swipe movement: When dragging this amount of pixels a swipe action is recognized.

  • Maximum swipe margin: The margin for a swipe to be completed.

Touch objects

For each column, or related group of columns, a description is available:

  • #: The (internal) object number, can be used to address an object in the commands (see below).

  • On: Enable or Disable the button (shown disabled and not state changed when touched). A Slide control that is set to disabled, can not be changed by dragging the handle up/down or left/right (depending on orientation), but the value can be set using the touch,set,... command, see below.

  • Objectname: The name is a required field, when this is left or made empty, the object will be removed from the list! when saved. When no Caption is set, this will be used as the caption, with any underscore characters _ replaced by a space.

  • Button-group: For paging to work, buttons (objects) have to be placed in Button groups. Buttons in group 0 are always drawn, so buttons in group 0 are intended to be used as global navigation buttons, or non-menu buttons/objects.

  • Top-left x: The X position for the top/left corner of the button.

  • Width: The width of the button.

  • Top-left y: The Y position for the top/left corner of the button.

  • Height: The height of the button.

(All positions and sizes are in pixels)

  • Button: This selection defines the shape of the button on screen:

  • None: No button is drawn.

  • Square: A square button is drawn.

  • Rounded: A rounded button with a corner radius of 5% of the longest side is drawn.

  • Circle: A circle or ellipsis is drawn within the width/height defined.

  • Arrow, left, Arrow, up, Arrow, right, Arrow, down: A triangle button, pointing in the direction as named, is drawn. To be used as navigation or +/- button.

  • Inverted: Invert the On/Off values for the button, so the value can immediately be used to set f.e. a GPIO state.

  • Layout: Select the layout of the caption within the button, it determines a) the caption alignment of the button, or b) the button to be a bitmap-button or c) the button to behave like a slide control:

  • Centered, Left-aligned, Top-aligned, Right-aligned, Bottom-aligned, Left-Top-aligned, Right-Top-aligned, Left-Bottom-aligned, Right-Bottom-aligned: Align the caption as the layout implies.

  • No caption: Just draw a button without any caption.

  • Bitmap image: Draw a bitmap, starting at the left-top, instead of a caption. The color is drawn first, so when using a smaller bitmap, the surface color is still reflecting the On/Off state. The name of the bitmap is to be entered in the ON caption/OFF caption fields, and can be prepended with an x/y offset in pixels to ‘move’ the bitmap to a desired position on the button. Example: 5,5,shape.bmp will draw shape.bmp starting at offset 5,5 from the left top of the button.

  • Slide control: Draw the configured button shape, and include a slide-bar that can be swiped up/down or left/right, determined by the width/height. In the center of the button, the current value is shown. By default the range is 0..100%, but the min/max values can be set by entering a <from>,<to> value-pair in the OFF caption field. The direction can be reverted by swapping the <from> and <to> values. An initial value can be set in the ON caption field. These values can use decimals for fine control, f.e. 18.5,24.9.

  • Font scale: Sets the font-size of the currently active font for drawing the captions on a button, or the value of the slide control. Range 0..10, 0 works as if 1 was set.

  • ON color: A non-default ON color can be set here.

  • OFF color: A non-default OFF color can be set here.

  • ON caption: The caption to show if the button-state is ON. When empty, and the layout is not set to No caption, the Objectname will be used as ON caption. Any underscores _ will be replaced by a space.

  • OFF caption: The caption to show if the button-state is OFF. When empty, the ON caption will also be used for the OFF state, though the color(s) will change to either the default or configured OFF color.

Also, variables can be used for ON and OFF captions, that will be evaluated when the button is (re-)drawn. The caption content can be updated from rules, see the touch,updatebutton... command, below.

For a Bitmap layout, the name of the bitmap file should be set in the ON caption field, and for the Off state, another bitmap (or the same if it is to be used as a single-action button) filename can be entered. To shift the bitmap across the button, an x and or y offset for the image can be prepended to the filename, like [<x>,[<y>,]]<filename.ext>. The x/y offset will be applied from the top/left position of the button.

  • Border color: The color to use for drawing a 1 pixel border around the button. When not set the default border color is used, and when that’s also not set, no border is drawn.

  • Caption color: A specific caption color, instead of the default Caption color, can be used.

  • Disab. cap clr: Disabled-caption color, the caption color to use when the button is disabled.

  • Disabled clr: Disabled color, the button surface color when the button is disabled. When empty, the default disabled color is used.

  • Touch action: What action to perform when the object is activated (touched).

  • Default: The regular On/Off action will be applied.

  • Activate Group: Activate the group configured in Action group. For the Home button this could activate group 1, the first set of buttons.

  • Next Group: Increment the currently active group by 1, if that group is defined.

  • Previous Group: Decrement the currently active group by 1, unless that would activate group 0, as group 0 is always active.

  • Next Page (+10): Increment the current group by 10, to go to the next ‘page’, if that group is defined.

  • Previous Page (-10): Decrement the current group by 10, to go to the previous ‘page’, if that group is defined, and > 0.

The Next/Previous Group and Page buttons will be automatically enabled and disabled, based on availability of the Button Group they are supposed to jump to.

  • Action group: The group to activate for the Activate group touch action.

Button groups

To show a larger number of button-like touch objects in a small space, button groups have been designed.

The basic idea is that all buttons in a group are displayed when the group is activated. To be able to navigate from group to group, some navigation controls are required, and these reside by default in the always visible group 0, though they can also be included in a group, but would immediately disappear when touched and a different group is activated. Groups are identified by positive numbers in range 0..255.

To enable not only linear navigation across these groups, paging is also implemented, where switching to the next page implies adding or subtracting 10 to/from the current group number.

The navigation buttons check themselves if it is possible to navigate in their configured direction, and depending on a group they can navigate to, the button is disabled or enabled accordingly. These navigation buttons will ignore switching to group 0, as that’s the group these navigation buttons should be in.

Example layout with Groups and Pages

Below image shows a possible menu system, to be displayed in a small area on the display. The numbers on the buttons are the Button group they belong to. There is only 1 group visible, and of course the navigation- or base-group 0. 2 button sizes are used, defining smaller buttons makes it quite hard to show a meaningful caption on each button.

The display that is used for this setup has a resolution of 480x320 pixels, and is used in landscape mode. The menu is drawn at the bottom of the display, where the height of all buttons is 49 (pixels). The small buttons, like in group 1, have a width of 99, and not 100, to have a 1 pixel gap between the buttons that makes it look better then when they are flush next to each other. The wide buttons, like group 11, are 149 pixels wide.

The navigation buttons are all 49x49 pixels, and except for the Home button, have a triangle shape matching their direction. The navigation, by default, is ‘moving’ the [Visible area] window across the menu sections, though enabling the Navigation Left/Right/Up/Down menu reversed option, above, will change that to virtually move the buttons behind the viewport.



To support slider controls and generic swipe actions, as available on smartphones, tablets and even some computer screens, swipe support has been included.

Swiping is supported by generating events during the swipe action, that include the directionId (1..8), and x,y offset since the last swipe action. See Get Config Values for swipedir, below.

Commands available

Command Syntax

Extra information


<touchObject|nr> Select an object either by name or number. Numbers match with the numbers shown in the web UI or ESPEasy.

Enable 1 or more objects. Select the objects by name or number. Using names makes it more easy to re-use a script.


<touchObject|nr> Select an object either by name or number. Numbers match with the numbers shown in the web UI or ESPEasy.

Disable 1 or more objects. Select the objects by name or number. Using names makes it more easy to re-use a script.


<buttonName|nr> Select a button either by name or number. Numbers match with the numbers shown in the web UI or ESPEasy.

Switch 1 or more button objects On. Select the buttons by name or number. Using names makes it more easy to re-use a script.


<buttonName|nr> Select a button either by name or number. Numbers match with the numbers shown in the web UI or ESPEasy.

Switch 1 or more buttons Off. Select the buttons by name or number. Using names makes it more easy to re-use a script.


<buttonName|nr> Select a button either by name or number. Numbers match with the numbers shown in the web UI or ESPEasy.

Toggle the state for 1 or more buttons. Select the buttons by name or number. Using names makes it more easy to re-use a script.


<touchObject|nr> Select an object either by name or number. Numbers match with the numbers shown in the web UI or ESPEasy.

<value> Set to a value, for object buttons, only 0 and <> 0 count. 0 will set the state to Off, and <> 0 will set the state to On.

Set the state or value of an object. Select the object by name or number.

When selecting a value of 0, the state will be changed to Off. When selecting a numeric value <> 0, the state will be set to On.

For non-button objects, like a slide control, set the current value for the slider. Must be within the range of the slider.


<swipeDirection> The numeric direction of a swipe, 1 = up, 3 = right, 5 = down, 7 = left, to change the currently selected group.

Select another button-group as if it was selected by a swipe on the display.


<group> Group to select. Numeric, and has to be an exisiting group number.

Select a button-group by number.


Select the next button-group.


Select the previous button-group.


Select the next button-page (group + 10). When Navigation Left/Right/Up/Down menu reversed is enabled, the group number wil be decreased by 10!


Select the previous button-page (group - 10). When Navigation Left/Right/Up/Down menu reversed is enabled, the group number wil be increased by 10!


<buttonName|nr> Select either a button by name or number. Numbers match with the numbers shown in the web UI or ESPEasy.

<group> The group number for the button.

<mode> The mode of the button. Available options: 0 = normal, -1 = initial, -2 = clear button area.

Update the button according to the current state, on the display. To update a dynamic caption or external state/value change.



Extra information

directionId: The direction that was swiped.
deltaX: Difference from previous X position.
deltaY: Difference from previous Y position.
This event is generated when a swipe-touch is detected. For Slide controls, no Swipe events are generated, but an event with the new value of the control.
x: The x coordinate for the touched position.
y: The y coordinate for the touched position.
z: The pressure applied for the touch (when supported by the touch panel).
This event is generated on touch actions that do not involve switching a button-state, like non-button controls.
state: The new state for the button, 0 or 1, or the new value for a Slide control.
mode: The mode of the button. (TODO: mode values to be added)
This event is generated on state-changing actions for Button and Slide controls.
groupNr: The new group number that is activated.
mode: The mode used for activating the group. (TODO: group-mode values to be added)
This event is generated when a group is activated.

Get Config Values

Get Config Values retrieves values or settings from the sensor or plugin, and can be used in Rules, Display plugins, Formula’s etc. The square brackets are part of the variable. Replace <taskname> by the Name of the task.

Config value


Get the currently active buttongroup.
Returns 1 if <groupNr> exists, or 0 if it doesn’t exist.
Returns 1 if an object with that name or number is enabled, and 0 if not.
Returns the state for an object, by name or number, 1 if On and 0 if Off, or the current value for a Slide control (0..100 or in the range set for the slide control).
Returns the Left/Right/Up/Down menu mode, 0 = normal, 1 = reversed.
Returns the name for the provided directionId.
0 = None
1 = Up
2 = Up-Right
3 = Right
4 = Right-Down
5 = Down
6 = Down-Left
7 = Left
8 = Left-Up

Change log

Added in version 2.0:

added 2024-06-05 Initial release version.